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  3. Wow Macro Trinket Slot

A complete searchable and filterable list of all Trinkets in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Always up to date with the latest patch (9.0.2). This blue trinket of item level 65 goes in the 'Trinket' slot. It is a quest reward from Master Angler. In the Trinkets category. Added in Classic World of Warcraft.

The website can help you choose set bonuses, trinkets and item combinations in a way that is tailored completely to your specific character. Learning to use this tool is a big factor in unlocking your potential, as there is simply no other way to take all the variables into account.

A socket is a special slot on an item into which gems can be inserted to provide bonuses similar to those gained from enchanting.

There is currently no way to remove a gem once it has been placed into a socket. You can place another gem in the same socket, but doing so will destroy the existing gem (much like overwriting enchants).

[Pocket-Sized Computation Device] from Mechagon is a trinket that has sockets for specific punch card items.

  • 2Socket types
Trinket Slot Wow

Placing gems in sockets

Gems can be added to sockets in the 'Item Socketing' window, which can be opened by holding shift and right clicking on a socketed item. The gems are then dragged into the slots, and the 'Socket Gems' button is pressed to apply the gems.

Socket types

Sockets are separated into the following types:

  • Prismatic Sockets -
  • Cogwheel Sockets -
  • Meta Sockets -
  • Sha-Touched Sockets -

Gems may be placed by anyone into a socketed item via a drag-and-drop interface, invoked by shift-right-clicking the weapon or piece of armor you want socketed.

Prismatic sockets


Prismatic (or uncolored) sockets are the default socket found in any item with gem sockets. They can also be added to an item by blacksmithing skills (or items created with blacksmithing such as the [Eternal Belt Buckle]). Any gem (except meta gems) may be placed in them.

Items that has a Sha-Touched socket can have one prismatic socket added to them by using [Eye of the Black Prince].

Cogwheel sockets

Cogwheel sockets are engineering-only sockets first introduced in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Any class is capable of adding cogwheels to these sockets as long as they have the engineering skill to do so. Currently the only known items that have cogwheels are the epic helms crafted by engineers with 75 skill points in Cataclysm or Pandaria engineering.

The cogwheels themselves are purchased in Twilight Highlands, Stormwind, or Ironforge using other engineering crafted items as currency.

Meta sockets

Main article: Meta gem

Meta sockets are only found on high-level head gear from The Burning Crusade to Mists of Pandaria (currently only in particular varieties of head items). Meta sockets only accept meta gems, and meta gems may only be placed in meta sockets.

Prior to patch 7.0.3, a meta gem introduced before Mists of Pandaria would be inactive unless certain requirements were not met, such as equipped items being socketed with a certain number and color of other gems.

Sha-Touched sockets

This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.
Main article: Sha-Touched

Sha-Touched sockets are only found on weapons from Grand Empress Shek'zeer in Heart of Fear and Tsulong, Lei Shi and Sha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring. Sha-Touched sockets only accept Sha-Touched gems.

Colored sockets

The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 7.0.3.

Prior to patch 7.0.3, the majority of sockets found on equipment were Red, Yellow, and Blue sockets. While any gem could be put in any of these socket types, the item socket bonus would only be activated if all of the sockets were filled with the matching gem color.

With the exception of meta gems, all gems matched one or more of these colors.

  • Primary-color gems — red, yellow, and blue — would only match into the specific sockets for their color.
  • Secondary-color gems — green, orange, and purple — would match into either of the two slots that correspond to their color. (For example, an orange gem would match a red or yellow slot for the bonus.)
  • Prismatic gems would match any of the three socket colors.


Sockets were introduced in The Burning Crusade and modelled after a similar concept using gems in Diablo II, though the method of replacing them is different.[1] The rune word system in the Diablo II expansion Lord of Destruction, which added additional bonuses if a particular set of runes was inserted in a particular order, has not been replicated in WoW — special combinations of gems do not confer any bonuses except the item's pre-defined socket bonus, unless using a meta gem.

As of patch 3.0.2, Blacksmiths with skill level 400+ are able to permanently place an additional socket on their bracer and glove, making the socketed item soulbound.[2][3] Blacksmiths were originally given the ability to socket one-handed weapons, but this appears to not have been implemented in a patch release (although it is referenced in the game files).

A blacksmith with skill level 425+ can make an [Eternal Belt Buckle], which can be used by anyone (even sold via the Auction House) to add a prismatic socket to a belt, making the belt soulbound.

Starting with Warlords of Draenor, no items have a socket by default. Instead, every item that drops from a dungeon has a small chance to have a prismatic socket.

Patch changes

  • Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): All colored sockets changed into prismatic sockets.
  • Patch 2.0.1 (2006-12-05): Added.
Trinket slot macro wow

See also


  1. ^Horadric Cube Formula for Removing Gems, Runes and Jewels from Sockets
  2. ^BlizzCast Episode 4: INTERVIEW 2 with Jon LeCraft
  3. ^Gear Socketing tab of Blacksmithing

External links

WoW Gem Looking for that socketable gem? Look no further!
Equipment and weapons
  • Cosmetic – Cloth
  • Plate – Cloak
Armor sets
  • Artifact weapon
Special types
  • Set bonus item
  • Socket item
Removed types
  • Relic
  • Pseudo
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Please review and [ update] as needed.'>
The subject of this article was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in World of Warcraft: Classic.
  • The subject of this article does not exist on the retail realms anymore.
  • The categories should reflect this, and should not include retail realm categories.

The Zul'Gurub trinkets are a family of trinkets which are available exclusively in Zul'Gurub. They are not the only trinkets one can acquire within that zone, but they are unique in that each is a part of an epic class-specific equipment set. These trinkets have diverse effects, but all of them provide short-term bonuses. They are therefore most useful for PvP combat.

  • 3Usage
    • 3.1Warrior and Rogue

List of trinkets

All of these trinkets are epic items which bind when picked up. Each one has a three minute cooldown.

Druid[Wushoolay's Charm of Nature]Grants 70 haste rating, and reduces the mana cost of Rejuvenation, Healing Touch, Regrowth, and Tranquility by 5% for 15 sec..
Hunter[Renataki's Charm of Beasts]Instantly clears the cooldowns of Aimed Shot, Multishot, and Volley.
Mage[Hazza'rah's Charm of Magic]Increases Arcane spell damage by 200 for 20 sec.
Paladin[Gri'lek's Charm of Valor]Increases your spell critical strike rating by 140 for 15 sec.
Priest[Hazza'rah's Charm of Healing]Grants 70 haste rating and reduces the mana cost of your healing spells by 5% for 15 sec.
Rogue[Renataki's Charm of Trickery]Instantly increases your energy by 60 (reduced by 4 every level after level 60).
Shaman[Wushoolay's Charm of Spirits]Increases the damage dealt by your Lightning Shield spell by 305 for 20 sec.
Warlock[Hazza'rah's Charm of Destruction]Increases your critical strike rating by 140 for 20 sec.
Warrior[Gri'lek's Charm of Might]Instantly increases your rage by 20.


The Zul'Gurub trinkets are acquired by combining a particular type of punctured voodoo doll (as appropriate for their class) with all 4 animal token drops from the Edge of Madness event. This event is complicated and can be expensive to trigger, but has the benefit of being fairly reliable.

As mentioned, each trinket is a piece of a class-specific set which is available only in Zul'Gurub. These trinkets are unique in that they are the only piece of these sets which have no faction requirement; indeed, the player need not even visit Yojamba Isle. All the player must do is acquire the relevant components and then use the doll; the doll and components are consumed and produce the trinket.


The Zul'Gurub trinkets vary substantially from class to class, but all of them have two things in common: their effects are short-lived, and their cooldown is a mere 3 minutes. These trinkets provide their bonuses in bursts, which makes them very ineffective when fighting elite monsters, but strong in player versus player combat. However, because of the short duration of their effects, it can be challenging to use them well. Therefore, these trinkets are best employed as a part of a macro which will also use the appropriate abilities.

Warrior and Rogue

The warrior and rogue trinkets are both the easiest and the hardest to use. The trinkets' uses are obvious, but actually performing these combinations is challenging without a macro.

Both trinkets provide their user with one or more 'free' special attacks. The rogue's backstab ability costs 60 energy, and this trinket supplies 60 energy; this trinket therefore can grant a rogue an additional backstab at any time. Similarly, the warrior's high-end talent attacks - [Mortal Strike], [Shield Slam], and [Bloodthirst] - all require 30 rage to use, exactly the amount granted by the warrior trinket. Of course, rogues and warriors can also use this free energy/rage for combinations of other abilities.

The warrior trinket is slightly more forgiving than the rogue one - a warrior in combat will retain any rage he gains until he leaves combat, but the benefit provided by the rogue trinket must be used within 6 seconds at most before its benefit begins to be lost. In both cases, the player would be well-advised to use their trinket by way of a macro to ensure that the trinket is not used when it would exceed the player's maximum capacity for rage or energy. Rogues might be well-served to take advantage of the fact that trinkets and spells can be used immediately after each other. A macro which uses the trinket, then uses a spell which will consume the trinket's bonus, will ensure that it is used fully every time.

Example rogue macro

This macro casts backstab. If the player's energy is low, then the macro will use the trinket just beforehand. This macro requires that the player have his Zul'Gurub trinket equipped in his second trinket slot.


The hunter trinket is especially difficult to use. It clears the cooldown of four different hunter abilities, but two of these abilities already have a 6 second cooldown (arcane and aimed shot), and a third has a ten second cooldown (multi-shot). In addition, the cooldowns on aimed and arcane shot are linked; using one applies a 6 second cooldown to both of them, so they cannot be used in tandem. Resetting cooldowns on these spells would seem to be relatively trivial. However, arcane/aimed shot and multi-shot are the primary direct-damage spells used by hunters; the ability to reset their cooldowns allows the hunter to use each one twice in quick succession. A hunter can fire arcane shot, then multi-shot, then activate his trinket and cast each spell again immediately. This entire sequence will take between 4 and 5 seconds, and can be performed while the hunter is running (though he will need to pause for each multi-shot). If a hunter has access to aimed shot, he can substitute that for arcane shot; this extends the sequence to 8 or 9 seconds, and requires the hunter to remain in one place, but delivers far more damage.EDIT: As of a New Patch Arcane and Aimed no longer share the same Cooldown, Thus you can get far more damage out of this!

Druid and Priest

These two trinkets are nearly identical; each one reduces the casting time of their class's largest heal spell by 40%, and reduces the mana cost of all healing spells by 5%. This effect lasts only 15 seconds, and thus the trinkets are most effective when a single player is taking intense damage, and can therefore utilize all the healing being applied. The trinkets can also allow rapid healing of an entire party, but some method of rapidly switching targets would be needed to get the most out of the time spent.

Paladin, Mage, and Warlock

Trinket Slot Macro Wow Classic

These trinkets are not at all identical, but very similar; each increases the damage output of a particular category of spells.

  • In the paladin's case, this would be all spells, healing included. Since paladins have so few attack spells, and none which can be used repeatedly or rapidly, this trinket may be more effective when used for a quick burst of healing, like a druid or priest trinket.
  • The mage trinket enhances arcane spell criticals, but mages have only two arcane spells which are capable of critical effects: arcane missiles and arcane explosion. In either case, simply recasting the spell rapidly should be sufficient to use this trinket's effect fully.
  • The warlock's trinket improves more of his spells than the mage's does, but most of his spells have a casting time. Warlocks may find that the easiest way to fully exploit their trinket is by casting shadow bolt repeatedly. If a warlock has the improved shadow bolt talent, they may wish to use the trinket after a natural critical in order to get the most out of the critical damage buff. Shadow burn may also improve damage.

Wow Classic Trinket Slot Numbers


The shaman trinket is the most unique of all the Zul'Gurub trinkets - it is the only one whose effects do not require direct action to utilize. The shaman need only get several enemies to attack him, then use his lightning shield and this trinket. The shaman may need to recast his lightning shield several times over the trinket's 20 second duration, but the effects should be thoroughly satisfying.

Wow Macro Trinket Slot

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