Proposed Time Slot For Meeting

If you send just that back, now you've put the other person in a position of still not knowing what a good time would be to meet. Instead, look at your calendar and find 2-3 time slots that work for you. List all of them in your reply, and highlight one as the default. That's the one you put in your calendar. The purpose of the Propose New Time feature is to propose a new time to the organizer, because theoretically the organizer knows the requirements for the meeting time. It sounds like what you're proposing is that the organizer user the function to ask the attendees if a new time works.which is in essence what you do each time you send a meeting invitation.

How do you normally schedule meetings with clients and business partners? By exchanging emails? By calling their secretaries?

Every day, we use many tools to increase our productivity, plan tasks, automate work, and analyze our data. It’s all about optimizing as many parts of our workflow as possible, getting more done in a shorter period of time.

But when scheduling meetings with potential clients, partners, and the team, we still use email as a primary communication channel. We bet you also belong to the email-club.

Every day, millions of people bounce emails back and forth to find a suitable time for meeting another person.

So how about halting the time wasted in our inboxes?

READ MORE: 5 Scientific Studies That Will Change Your Productivity Habits Forever.

Scheduling tools to save 3 hours/week

We bet many of you haven’t heard of these amazing scheduling software that find mutually suitable meeting time without a ten-emails conversation.

The best scheduling tools do all the work for us, forwarding meeting proposals to all participants, helping to find a suitable time and place. Methods vary depending on the tool, but saving time is guaranteed when using each of them.

How scheduling tools (usually) work:

  • You select multiple date and time options and let the system forward it to other participants
  • Others receive an invitation email with clickable time options or a link to your event’s page
  • Participants select the proposed time option(s) that suit the best for them
  • If a mutually suitable meeting time is found, everyone receives a confirmation email
  • Some scheduling tools are integrated with popular calendar apps, meaning that you can add the event to your calendar in a few clicks.

If this sounded like something you’d like to try, take a look at these next-generation scheduling tools and decide for yourself which one of these will save you the most time.

1. Scoro calendar invites

Calendar invites are only one of Scoro’s large set of features. The benefit of using Scoro for scheduling a meeting is the possibility to link your meetings with customer profiles or projects. Meaning that you can save your meeting data and see the reports on your time spent later on.

You can send calendar invites to other participants by creating a meeting event with multiple dates and automatically forward the invitation by email. The receiver can choose the suitable time without leaving their inbox. As a time available for everyone is found, all the participants get a confirmation email and the event automatically appears in their calendar apps.

Scoro’s calendar tool is not currently available as an individual product but all the customers who have tried it, keep using it over and over again.

READ MORE: If you’re managing your meeting history on a spreadsheet, you should read why you need an Excel Alternative.

2. HubSpot Meetings

Give prospects an easy way to book meetings without the back and forth. Your calendar stays full, and you stay productive.

Meetings syncs with your Google or Office 365 calendar, so prospects can always see your most up-to-date availability. When you let prospects automatically book meetings on your calendar, you’ll save hours of time spent on unnecessary emails.

No designated sales rep? Set up a round-robin meeting link so prospects can book a meeting with the sales rep whose availability works best for their schedule.

HubSpot Meetings is a free Hubspot product that can be connected to HubSpot CRM.

3. Rally

The coolest thing about Rally is the fact that it’s open source. Meaning that many great ideas have been applied thanks to meaningful collaboration.

With Rally, you create an event page and share it with other participants. On the page, everyone can pick the most suitable time options. This scheduling tool has a really nice feature – you can write down the meeting notes on the event page to file an agenda and later remember everything discussed.

If you like what you’ve read this far, check out Rally here.

4. Doodle

Doodle’s free basic account is a great way to manage a small team’s meetings. Create polls and email the link to your teammates so that everyone can pick the options that suit them. Later, you can decide on the meeting time by checking which proposed time was selected by the most people.

This scheduling tool also comes with a Premium package, offering automatic reminders and integration with a calendar app.

Interested? You can find out more about Doodle here.

READ MORE: 12 cool (and free) browser extensions for increased productivity.

5. NeedToMeet

When scheduling a meeting with NeedToMeet, you first need to fill in a form with all the meeting details, including the duration, place and optional dates you’d like to propose.

Next, you can either email the link to the event’s NeetToMeet page to all participants or automatically forward the invite via the too so that the time can be chosen without leaving the inbox. After everyone’s picked their available times, you can see the results in a table and find the most suitable time.

NeedToMeet is a free tool, you only need the Premium account for priority support and calendar integrations. Get it here.


What makes interesting is the fact that it’s not a standalone online tool but an extension for inbox. If you previously composed emails with optional meeting times and forwarded them to other participants, you might want to try this scheduling extension.

After other parties have selected the suitable time, automatically schedules the meeting and send invites. If you like to keep all the interaction in email, this could be your go-to tool.


There are some shortcomings though. The extension doesn’t support scheduling with over 2 people and has no integrations with calendar apps. So that you have to manually enter the scheduled meeting time to your calendar.

If you’d like to give a try, click here.

7. Timebridge

The basic features offered in Timebridge resemble some of the previous tools – you pick multiple dates and send invitations by email. After others have confirmed a date, you both receive notifications. It synchronizes with Outlook and Gmail calendar, meaning that you can select optional time slots while seeing your other scheduled events.

Proposed Time Slot For Meeting Today

A nice little feature in Timebridge is the option to answer Yes/No/Best. This is handy when trying to schedule a meeting with a large team, allowing everyone to select multiple times when they’re available.

To check it out, click here.

8. Calendly

Calendly is a widely popular scheduling tool among project teams and people who frequently attend business meetings, organize tours or schedule webinars.

This easy-to-use and well-designed tool enables sending a calendar invite to everyone you want to schedule with. The invitees receive an email with optional meeting times proposed by the sender. Next, they can pick the time that suits them.

Or when scheduling with a large team, you can forward to others an invite to visit your Calendly page and choose all their available meeting times, ensuring that you find the time suitable for everyone.

Whenever you’ve agreed on a meeting time, you can add it to your favourite calendar platform in one click. To make the process even smoother, there’s no need for the invitees to sign up for Calendly in order to choose between available meeting times.

If this sounded like a perfect scheduling tool, you can get Calendly here.

Proposed time slot for meeting tonight

Need to convince your team to use the new tool? Learn how to make new software implementation effortless and quick.

9. Pick

Pick is both a desktop and mobile scheduling tool that helps to determine time periods when everyone is available. It synchronizes with all popular calendar apps and compares everyone’s calendars, proposing optional meeting times.

After you’ve found a time that suits everyone and scheduled the meeting, Pick notifies all participants and automatically schedules the event to everybody’s calendar apps.

A cool feature in Pick is sharing your available times with others so that they know in advance when it’s the best time for you.

Sounds pretty cool, right? Check it out (and get it for free) here.

Working in sales? How about some business hacks to communicate more efficiently.

10. Clara

Clara is basically your virtual assistant when it comes to scheduling meetings. Backed by human support, Clara can understand your questions and helping to conduct your email conversation with other participants, it finds the suitable time for you all.

For example, type in “Clara, can you find a time for us to meet for lunch next week?” and the virtual assistant sends emails to your invitees and determines a time, date, location and participants.

Compared to other scheduling tools, Clara may seem relatively expensive. But if you think about the human involvement, it’s what you’d expect.

Sounds interesting? Learn more about Clara here.

If after reading this article, you still feel like email is the best tool for scheduling a meeting, we respect your decision.

But if you’re into innovation and would like to bring productivity to your workflow, integrate a meeting scheduling to your workflow. Your team members will be forever grateful!

Sample letter for Meeting Appointment with managers, CEO, boss and office staff/employees within your company and other companies. Letter to client for meeting request for discussion of business matters.

Meeting Appointment Letter Sample Email

Dear Jack,

I hope that you will be fine and doing well. I am very thankful for your visit to our Cooperation.
As discussed I want to present you the overall plan/layout of our upcoming collaborative project launch.

I request you to spare me some time so that I can properly have a meeting regarding our work together. This meeting is essential for our project. Waiting for your reply as soon as possible.

Warm Regards,

Movie Time Slot


Letter for Meeting Appointment at Office of Construction Company

My name is Mr. Ali Shah and I am contacting you on behalf of X and R construction company, which has signed a site project with you. I want to keep you up to date regarding the project that is being held by our company. So I request you to to have some time with me. I hope your busy schedule will allow you to meet me for an hour. Please give me a ring after deciding when you are available.

Thanking You,
Manager Communication & Development

Students Seeking Appointment Letter Sample For Meeting

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

We are students of Lahore University of Management Sciences and with regards to our course of “Non-Profit Organization Management” we would like to do our project on the Monitoring and Evaluation system of AHF.
The aim of our assignment is to get information about the any current or future program or project of your organization and then design and propose a M&E framework for it.
For this purpose we would like to meet Dr. Ayesha, President AHF and discuss our project with him. We shall be extremely grateful if we can get an meeting appointment with Dr. Ayesha.
We will be happy if we can give us the appointment on Thursday, 10th April, between 12-pm as it will be feasible for us to manage time from our class schedule. If unfortunately, this time slot is not available then please kindly inform us of any other options available, so that we can see if we can manage.
We are very hopeful to get a positive response from your side soon. Thanking you in anticipation.

What Is A Time Slot

Bsc, LUMS.

Appointment Letter For Meeting from School Director/Principal

Ms. Urooj
American Lyceum School System, NY

Subject: Request for Meeting Appointment

Dear Madam,

The WEDF School System is rendering its services in education sector with an approach of Learning with a Purpose, to bring out the best in our children catering their multiple intelligence and potentials. The school has four campuses in Lahore and other five campuses in different cities of Punjab.

Although, the school has been able to render quality services to our stakeholders however, we are planning to incorporate opportunities for those students who have special needs, believing in the philosophy of Inclusive Education. Therefore, we would like to join hands with your esteemed organisation to facilitate our existing students and open doors for apprentices. On behalf of my institution, I would like to request you for a meeting appointment as per your convenience to discuss the areas and options where your organization could assist us. Looking forward to a positive response from you soon.


Director Academics WEDF School System

Personal Meeting Request Letter Format for Email

Subject: Letter to Request a Meeting with the CEO

Dear Concerns,

I am working for Khan Tareen who is interested to do something for the blind people of Pakistan through his NGO named TEF. We are in very initial phase and we seek your guidance in this process. I want to visit your organization to see which tools and mediums are used to educate the bind people and want to discuss new horizons we have in our mind for them. I shall be looking forward to your kind reply and appointment time in this regard.

Thank You with kind regards,

Dilshad Shoukat,
Project Manager

Meeting Request Email Letter Format for Internship

Dear Ms. Hira Iqbal,

Thank you very much for your detailed email for introducing your internship program. We request you to please visit AH Foundation DHA, Campus in working days for further proceedings. You can call this number 03001234567 before coming.

Warm Regards,

Muhammad Samiullah
Manager Resource Development

Request for Meeting Time for Consultant

Proposed Time Slot For Meetings

Dear Sir,
We are a consultancy firm, Amir Jafri & Associates. Our CEO is Mr Amir Siraj Jafri. We are designing an institute with similar facilities to your institute, the ‘AHF Foundation.’ It would be a great help if you allow us to study the whole atmosphere of the institute. Any further input and information from your side would be greatly appreciated.
Please grant us a meeting time on the coming Monday. Waiting for your email reply asap.
Yasmeen Amir Jafri

Time Slot For Meeting

Short Meeting Request Letter after Phone Call/SMS

Dear Dr. Ayesha,
Further to our conversation on phone today I would like to request an appointment after Eid, I hope you will be able to get back with time and date asap. thanks


From the above sample meeting appointment letters you will also learn how to write letter for meeting time, meeting appointment, meeting request and call for meeting of the company staff. detailed and short letters are available for download but republishing these letter not allowed in any case.