Poker Oklahoma Rules

  1. Poker Oklahoma Rules Poker
  2. Poker Oklahoma Rules
  3. Poker Oklahoma Rules Against
  4. Poker Oklahoma Rules Game
  5. Oklahoma Poker Card Game Rules
  6. Poker Oklahoma Rules And Regulations

Oklahoma Online Poker Law. Oklahoma is second only to California in terms of its number of Indian casinos, and the state is miles ahead of many states when it comes to online poker legalization. Oklahoma is the first state in the nation to allow its Indian casinos to get into the global online poker market.


Oklahoma also refrains from legislating or interfering with the sacred rite of passage that is the home game. Whether it is through Friday night cards and beers amongst buddies from the office, or a game played via a legal online poker room in the comfort of a resident’s own home, Oklahoma has a deep love of poker. Except as provided in the Oklahoma Charity Games Act, every person who opens, or causes to be opened, or who conducts, whether for hire or not, or carries on either poker, roulette, craps or any banking or percentage, or any gambling game played with dice, cards or any device, for money, checks, credits, or any representatives of value, or who. Online poker is not specifically addressed by Oklahoma’s gambling and betting statues. However, there are laws in place that explicitly prohibit all forms of unlicensed gambling and the transmission of gambling information, that could very well apply to online poker websites. There are 60 Native American casinos in Oklahoma that have odd rules. This includes a $.50 fee on blackjack tables and $1 for craps and roulette. The craps and roulette in Oklahoma are not the same as it is in major casino states. In addition to the ante, cards are used instead of dice and roulette wheels.

  • One-Card Poker - Match Pot Betting - Two or more cards


The basic idea of Indian Poker, also sometimes known as Blind Man's Buff, is that players hold their cards on their foreheads facing away from them, so that they can see all the other players' cards but not their own. The name Indian Poker is used for several games with this feature, played with different numbers of cards and different betting systems. The game has nothing whatever to do with India. The name comes from the notion that cards held to the players' heads somehow resemble a Native American headdress or war bonnet.

One-Card Poker

In the most basic, and presumably the original version of this game, the players ante and are dealt just one card each, face down. The players pick up their cards, being careful to keep them facing outwards so that no one knows what their own card is, and hold them against their forehads so that all other players can see their values. There is then a round of poker betting and in the showdown the highest card of those who have not folded wins the pot. If several players tie for highest they share the pot - there is no order of suits in this game.

It is also possible to play that the lowest card wins (which makes no real difference to the game), or that the highest and lowest cards share the pot.

Match Pot Betting

One-Card Poker is often played with match pot betting, as in Guts. Players declare, either sequentially or simultaneously as agreed, whether they will stay in or drop out. The player with the best card of those who stayed in takes the pot and any others who stayed in must match the pot.

Unlike Guts itself, Indian poker is slightly more interesting with simultaneous declaration than with sequential declaration: when they have to declare at the same time, there is the possibility that two players with high cards will both drop out, each seeing the other's card and assuming they are beaten, while other players may predict that this is likely to happen and take advantage of it.

Two or more cards

The same game can be played dealing two, three or more cards to each player, but this extra complexity does not make the game any more interesting. You can see how good everyone else's hand is, so it's just a question of guessing from their actions how good your cards might be, while attempting not to reveal to them what you know of their cards.

Indian Stud Poker

This game is played exactly like seven-card stud, except that each player takes the first card that they were dealt and puts it to their forehead without looking at it. This card, visible only to the other players, and all other cards of the same rank are wild for the owner of the card (who is the only player who does not know what it is).

The deal, betting and showdown continue as in Seven-card Stud.

Indian Texas Hold'em

This game is played the exactly same way as Texas Hold'em except that players must not look at their two hole cards. Instead they place these two cards on their foreheads so that all the other players can see them. After the first betting round, the flop, turn and river are dealt face up to the table in the usual way, each followed by a further betting round.

The laws relating to the playing of poker for real money do require some inspection, as is often the case with state enacted gambling laws. In order to work our way through this, let us start with how “bet” is defined in the Oklahoma gambling statutes:

“A “bet” is a bargain in which the parties agree that, dependent upon chance, or in which one of the parties to the transaction has valid reason to believe that it is dependent upon chance, one stands to win or lose something of value specified in the agreement.” (1)

Poker Oklahoma Rules Poker

So does playing poker for money constitute a bet? Well this in itself is a bit problematic, as it involves how we are to determine “dependent upon chance.” This could mean the bet is wholly dependent upon chance, or it could involve only an element of chance.


When we make a bet in poker, we do allow for an element of chance in our decision making, unless you had the absolute nuts for instance, where there would be no element of chance in that decision. However we rarely have a hand like this, so there is always some element of chance, even when it comes down to the chance someone will fold where the cards may not have anything to do with the result.

So this definition isn’t particularly well written, but we do have some other resources to turn to, the way the actual prohibition against this reads. Here’s how the crime of “betting on or playing prohibited game” reads:

“Any person who bets or plays at any of said prohibited games, or who shall bet or play at any games whatsoever, for money, property, checks, credits or other representatives of value with cards, dice or any other device which may be adapted to or used in playing any game of chance or in which chance is a material element, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor…” (2)

How This Law Applies To Playing Poker For Real Money

So now we know that while poker may or may not involve betting under the definition the law provides, it certainly involves playing, and the inclusion of “any person who bets of plays” does clarify this. They also clarify the role of chance as to include not only games of chance but where chance is a material element, which is the case with poker.

So based upon this playing poker for money would constitute playing a prohibited game, as we can easily deduce that a prohibited game would involve one that involves a material element of chance.

It does also refer to “said prohibited games,” and that reference is to the previous section dealing with the more serious crime of running gambling games, where certain games have been specified as prohibited. So to drive the final nail in the coffin of poker, not that it is even needed, let’s look at how that reads:

“Except as provided in the Oklahoma Charity Games Act, every person who opens, or causes to be opened, or who conducts, whether for hire or not, or carries on either poker, roulette, craps or any banking or percentage, or any gambling game played with dice, cards or any device, for money, checks, credits, or any representatives of value, or who either as owner or employee, whether for hire or not, deals for those engaged in any such game, shall be guilty of a felony…” (3)

So there we have it, they mention poker specifically as a game that is illegal to operate, a prohibited game in other words, so that completely clears up the matter.

Playing Poker In Oklahoma

What about playing home poker games for money? While some states have provisions to allow for what’s termed social gambling or gaming, Oklahoma does not. Moreover, not only are the players subject to the misdemeanor charge of playing in such a game, the host is subject to being charged with a felony for operating the game.

The law against operating games is no doubt directed at commercial operators, but at least in theory it could be applied to a friendly game over beers among friends in someone’s kitchen if there is money being put into the pot.


Teddy Mitchell, of Oklahoma City, OK, was charged and convicted of running a gambling operation in 2014, and while the main charge was operating an offshore sports betting enterprise, one of the charges was running a high stakes poker game out of his home. (4) So while it probably wouldn’t be likely that Average Joe would be convicted of this in Oklahoma, the possibility does exist.

One of the things that Mr. Mitchell was charged with was using the internet to place bets for clients, he didn’t own a betting site he just placed bets as a player on behalf of these people, even though it did involve over $8 million of business and ended up attracting the interest of the FBI who busted him.

While this did involve sports betting and not poker, there’s nothing in the law to suggest poker playing for real stakes would not be illegal as other forms of non sanctioned poker would be. Obviously though the risk is near zero that you would ever get charged for something like this though, as long as you are playing privately, unlike the defendant in this case whose business was public.

Live and Online Poker in Oklahoma


Poker Oklahoma Rules

Oklahoma does have a total of 18 live poker rooms, both tribal and non-tribally run, where you can partake in poker all you want without fear of the law. The largest of these is the WinStar World Casino in Thackerville, boasting an impressive 46 tables, and there are a number of choices around the state as well of all sizes. (5)

As far as playing online goes, there isn’t any plans currently to regulate online poker in Oklahoma, but poker is particularly popular in this state, and that may end up happening down the road.

In the mean time, if you still wish to play online and live in Oklahoma, no one has ever been charged with playing online in this state or any other state in the country for that matter, and many players choose to play it in spite of what the law may say.

Should you choose to do the same, we have our top 2 recommendations for you, Ignition Poker and Americas Cardroom. Check them out by clicking on the links to the reviews on them we’ve done up for you.

Poker Oklahoma Rules Against


(1) 2006 Oklahoma Statutes, 21-981 (1)

(2) 2006 Oklahoma Statutes, 21-942

(3) 2006 Oklahoma Statutes, 21-941

(4) Teddy Mitchell Sentenced To 27 Months For Running An Illegal Offshore Gambling Operation

(5) All Live and Online Poker Rooms in Oklahoma


Poker Oklahoma Rules Game


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Poker Oklahoma Rules And Regulations

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